MSP4BIO is helping organise two satellite events at the UN Ocean Decade

On April 8th, MSP4BIO will join the Marine Protected Areas Forum to co-host with BLUE4ALL project the “Become an MPA manager for a day! – A roleplaying game” session, which will take the audience into the shoes of an MPA manager and explore the environmental, social, economic, multi-use, and policy challenges they commonly face.

👉 Want to be part of it? Then check the draft agenda, register and join us! 

On April 9th, we will then change the gears towards Marine Spatial Planning and participate at the satellite event “Knowledge-based Climate-smart Maritime Spatial Planning for ocean sustainable development” under the topic “Science to policy, how research is used for Climate Smart MSP”. This very dynamic event is engaging with experts from six EU projects (MSP-OR, REGINA-MSP, MSP-GREEN, ReMAP, eMSP-NBSR and MSP4BIO), the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change from Brazil and the MSPglobal initiative of IOC-UNESCO. 


Join us to both events and let’s explore how MPAs and MSP are helping achieve the goals of the Ocean Decade from the science we need for the ocean we want


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