On November 6-7th we got together in Split, Croatia for our 3rd General Assembly followed by a training on the 8-9th with our pilot leaders to learn how to use the SeaSketch tool.
In the meeting we had more than 30 participants whom attended physically and and a few more online.
The meeting began with an overview of the ESE (Environmental and Socio-Economic) framework, and on how to use it with the Communities of Practice (CoPs), followed by the presentation of guidelines for addressing the effects of climate change and human pressures on marine ecosystems. The meeting emphasized the importance of addressing the needs of test sites and prioritizing guiding questions. Furthermore, a session on policy analysis and recommendations highlighted the need for contributions and alignment between different policy-related tasks. The meeting emphasized the involvement of key policy stakeholders in future discussions. Additionally, there was a session on data management and scientific publications, discussing issues such as the project publication policy, early access to deliverables, joint publications with sister projects, data sharing, and repository options. Overall, the meeting laid the ground for the upcoming work next year.
Don’t miss the sneak peek of how our days went in beautiful Split!