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North-Western Mediterranean
(NW-MED) - France, Monaco and Italy



Neil Alloncle

Marcello Magaldi - CNR

Marcello G. Magaldi



Covers a cross-border area shared between France, Monaco and Italy extending from the Gulf of Lion to the Pelagos Sanctuary.

The management tools already in place: the Pelagos Sanctuary, a Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance (SPAMI) different MPAs, Natura 2000 sites, marine parks; one Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA); two Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas (EBSAs): NW- Mediterranean Pelagic Ecosystem and NW-Mediterranean Benthic Ecosystem (presence of both pelagic and benthic habitats); two Critical Cetacean Habitats (CCHs).

The site represents diverse marine domains: from coastal and shallow to offshore and deep areas.

Sectors covered:
Fishery, Aquaculture, Tourism, Renewables.


– Benthic species and cetaceans considered as flag species for MPAs and MSP and it benefits from the presence of innovative COPERNICUS data.

– Potential to identify the conservation priorities to focus the expansion and the efficiency of the current network of MPAs considering climate change scenarios and potential shifts in ecological responses.

– Existing action plans, the Biodiversity strategies and the related governance;

– Possibility to shape MSP to sustain and support the evolution of the current conservation plans to have it coherent, efficient and shared.


– Multiple human activities and pressures (important ports, heavy tourism, offshore wind farms) in close proximity to MPAs.

– Governance complexity: from the local scale characterizing small MPAs to the transnational and cross-border level of the Sanctuary.

– The TRL with respect to MSP and MPA integration is currently between 2 and 3 as the theoretical and general management tools are only formulated and partially applied on the site.


As part of MSP4BIO activities, interviews and workshops will be held with local stakeholders. This way, the project will:

– Contribute to the consolidation of the transnational MSP process underway in the area

– Strengthen the existing MPA network, with a focus on the 10% strictly protected areas objective

– Restart and accelerate the Pelagos Agreement Management Plan.

– Allow raising the TRL from 2-3 to 4-5.


MPA (e.g. Portofino, Secca della Meloria) and park (e.g. Tuscanian Archipelago, Cinque Terre, Port-Cros, Cap Corse, Calanques, Golfe du Lion) managers; Coastal “Regions” and “Departments” (Italian “Regions” local administrations, some Italian parks are “regional”); NGOs (e.g. Tethys, WWF); National MSP and MSFD Competent Authorities; Pelagos Secretariat; Accobams Secretariat; International Maritime Organization (IMO).

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