That was the main message given by the Estonian Marine Institute, University of Tartu at the EU Strategy for The Baltic Sea Region (EUSBSR) Annual Forum, referring to MSP4BIO’s Science Policy Dialogue Think Tanks.
This good practice which is highly interactive virtual or in-person events, and facilitated by the MSP4BIO partners, is divided into various thematic discussion tables based on priority topics identified in collaboration with sister projects, usually involveing the following stakeholders:
– MSP4BIO project partners
– Scientific Representatives from sister projects and initiatives
– Policymakers European Policy Actors (DG MARE, DG ENV) and Regional Authorities (BARCON, HELCOM, OSPAR, BSC)
This arises from the thinking that policymakers must balance public perceptions with various human activities to create effective legislative frameworks. Scientific outputs need to be communicated in formats that are accessible to policymakers, to ensure that new ocean policies are founded upon current knowledge and evidence.