Webinar Alert!

The V MED-MSP-CoP Webinar “MSP4BIO Science-Policy Dialogue Think Tank on the Co-development of policy solutions for a better integration of biodiversity conservation in MSP and sectoral policies” will be held online on Monday 24th of June 2024 11:00-12:15 CET

About the webinar

Horizon Europe MSP4BIO project – Science-Based Maritime Spatial Planning to Safeguard and Restore Biodiversity in a coherent European MPA network, will support the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030, the Convention on Biological Diversity Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, as well as the European Green Deal. MSP4BIO will develop an integrated flexible Ecological-Socio-Economic management framework and validate its concrete applicability in 6 test sites in across the Europe. It will build on the ongoing MSP and MPA processes at different scales from local, regional, national to sea basin level, and support effective management of future protected areas through improving and validating the criteria for MPA prioritization, integrating trade-off scenario analysis, improving the knowledge base for reviewing and evaluating existing maritime spatial plans, and providing recommendations on how to improve sectoral policies to better mainstream biodiversity considerations at EU/sea-basin/national level.​

To co-develop key policy recommendations in collaboration with linked projects to jointly communicate scientific outputs and achieve validation of policy solutions through the engagement with policy actors, MSP4BIO established a Science-Poilicy Dialogue Think tank. The Think Tank initially involved relevant experts and scientists and in the second stage it included also policy stakeholders at the EU and regional seas level.

The Science Policy Dialogue Think Tanks involves the following stakeholders:

  • MSP4BIO project partners
  • Scientific Representatives from sister projects and initiatives
  • Policymakers European Policy Actors (DG MARE, DG ENV) and Regional Authorities (BARCON, HELCOM, OSPAR, BSC)

Two Think tank meetings have been held so far, and the co-creation process of policy solutions has started on the basis of the outcomes of the MSP4BIO Report on the state of the art on key barriers and levers for policy coherence, but also other analysis produced by related projects.

MSP4BIO will present to the NW-MED MSP CoP the work done in the Think tank with focus on results of the policy coherence analysis relevant in the Mediterranean at regional and national levels and discuss and prioritize with CoP members the identified policy solutions.

Registration is now open here.

The webinar agenda is now available here.

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